

“I found God’s Healing Stream Church through the Internet. Before I got there, I was feeling helpless and hopeless again, that’s how I felt before He saved me in 1995.


The first week after going to this Church I started feeling so much better. The Lord has healed, delivered, restored and revived me. I cannot stop thanking Him for bringing me to this Church.

Yes, I would recommend GHS to anyone looking for a Church. I have recommended it to a few already because they will find the Only one that can help them, JESUS.


I give Him all the Thanks, Praise, Glory and Honor with Thanksgiving in my Heart. What an AWESOME GOD we have.”



“This ministry has blessed me in so many ways since coming to God’s Healing Stream in 2011. The week prior to visiting GHS for the first time, I had heard Ps. Lee being interviewed on WMCA radio. Aside from his amazing testimony recounting his journey to the Lord, I was struck by his laughter. He laughed throughout the entire interview and I thought “now there’s a happy Christian!” And since I didn’t know too many happy Christians, the Lord used that to prompt me to go check out this ministry. And the rest is history… I’ve been here ever since.


As soon as I started applying what I was learning from both my pastors (Ps. Lee and Ps. Margaret) my spiritual growth was quick and tangible. I saw changes and others saw changes in me. And as I grew in my faith, the Lord also miraculously healed me from a few physical ailments since being at GHS including hearing loss, which a doctor told me was permanent… but thank God He is the Great Physician! It has been and continues to be an exciting journey for me at GHS as we continue to grow more and more in the knowledge of God.”


Blessed by the Women 2 Women’s Ministry

“Hallelujah for Women’s brunch at God’s Healing Stream!  So far I have only attended once, but I have been blessed by the experience many times over.  The group of people and the environment were warm, inviting, and spiritually edifying.  The bible trivia segment challenged and inspired me to read my bible more closely which helped to bring about a refreshing transformation of my private time with the Lord.


Thank you so much Pastor Lee & Pastor Margaret for answering God’s call on your lives!”


Jersey City, NJ